BMP384 and Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino example

In this article we connect the ever popular BMP384 Sensor to a raspberry Pi Pico and we will then display readings via the serial monitor window. We are using t he Arduino IDE.

Lets look at the sensor first


The BMP384 provides excellent accuracy across a wide measurement range (300hPa to 1250hPa and -40 to +85°C).

The sensor also features a configurable oversampling setting, a FIFO buffer for storing up to 73 measurements, as well as a low pass filter so users can customize the performance based on the application's requirements.

The sensor communicates over I2C by default.

The BMP384 has three operating modes: Sleep Mode, Normal Mode and Forced Mode. While in Sleep Mode the sensor is idle and consumes ~2µA. While in Normal Mode, the sensor automatically cycles between measurement and standby periods and consumes ~700µA at peak current draw during measurements.

Forced Mode allows direct control of measurements to wake the sensor from Sleep Mode, take a single-shot measurement, and return the device to Sleep Mode.

Parameter Technical data
Operation range
Pressure: 300… 1250 hPa
Supply voltage VDDIO
Supply voltage VDD
1.2 V … 3.6 V
1.65 V … 3.6 V
I²C (up to 3.4 MHz) and SPI (3 and 4 wire, up to 10 MHz)
Average typical current consumption (1 Hz data rate)
3.4 µA @ 1 Hzpressure and temperature,
2.0 µA in sleep mode
Absolute accuracy
P=300 …1100 hPa (T=0 … 65 °C)
± 50 Pa
Relative accuracy pressure (typ.)
P=900…1100 hPa (T=25 … 40°C)
± 9 Pa, equiv. to ± 0.75 m
Noise in pressure (lowest bandwidth, highest resolution)
0.03 Pa
Temperature coefficient offset (25°…40°C @ 900 hPa)
±1 Pa/K
Long-term stability (12 months)
±0.70 hPa
Maximum sampling rate
200 Hz

Parts Required

Name Link
Raspberry Pi Pico
Connecting cables



Here is a layout in fritzing to show this

Code Example

I used the sparkfun BMP384 library and  this is the default example which worked

#include <Wire.h>
#include "SparkFunBMP384.h"

// Create a new sensor object
BMP384 pressureSensor;

// I2C address selection
uint8_t i2cAddress = BMP384_I2C_ADDRESS_DEFAULT; // 0x77
//uint8_t i2cAddress = BMP384_I2C_ADDRESS_SECONDARY; // 0x76

void setup()
    // Start serial
    Serial.println("BMP384 Example1 begin!");

    // Initialize the I2C library

    // Check if sensor is connected and initialize
    // Address is optional (defaults to 0x77)
    while(pressureSensor.beginI2C(i2cAddress) != BMP3_OK)
        // Not connected, inform user
        Serial.println("Error: BMP384 not connected, check wiring and I2C address!");

        // Wait a bit to see if connection is established

    Serial.println("BMP384 connected!");

void loop()
    // Get measurements from the sensor
    bmp3_data data;
    int8_t err = pressureSensor.getSensorData(&data);

    // Check whether data was acquired successfully
    if(err == BMP3_OK)
        // Acquisistion succeeded, print temperature and pressure
        Serial.print("Temperature (C): ");
        Serial.print("Pressure (Pa): ");
        // Acquisition failed, most likely a communication error (code -2)
        Serial.print("Error getting data from sensor! Error code: ");

    // Only print every second



Temperature (C): 18.95 Pressure (Pa): 98937.87
Temperature (C): 18.96 Pressure (Pa): 98915.58
Temperature (C): 18.95 Pressure (Pa): 98953.07
Temperature (C): 18.95 Pressure (Pa): 98913.54
Temperature (C): 18.95 Pressure (Pa): 98929.76


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