A Raspberry Pi Pico and KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall module

In this article, we connect a KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall module to a Raspberry Pi Pico, any Rp2040 type board will be suitable. We actually tested this with a Cytron Maker Pi Pico

We will use Micropython for these examples but of course you can use the Arduino IDE as well if you have Raspberry Pi Pico support enabled

KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall module Overview

  • Function: Detects magnetic fields, providing both analog and digital outputs.
  • Applications:
    • Proximity sensing
    • Speed measurement
    • Magnetic field detection
    • Robotics and automation

Pinout and Connections

Label Description
+ Power supply (3.3V – 5V)
GND Ground
A0 Analog output (proportional to field strength)
D0 Digital output (ON/OFF based on threshold)

How It Works

  • Analog Output (A0):
    • Provides a continuous voltage that increases or decreases with magnetic field strength.
    • Useful for detecting field intensity.
  • Digital Output (D0):
    • Triggers HIGH or LOW depending on the magnetic field exceeding a threshold.
    • Adjustable threshold via onboard potentiometer.

Adjusting Sensitivity

  • Potentiometer on the sensor board adjusts the sensitivity for the digital output (D0).
  • Clockwise: Increases sensitivity.
  • Counterclockwise: Decreases sensitivity.

Technical Specifications

Feature Value
Operating Voltage 3.3V to 5V
Output Type Analog (A0), Digital (D0)
Detection Range ~0 to ±150 milliteslas (mT)
Adjustable Sensitivity Yes (via potentiometer)
Module Size 32mm x 14mm
Indicator LEDs Power and Digital output LEDs

Testing and Calibration**

  1. Power On: Connect the sensor to the Arduino (or another microcontroller).
  2. LED Indicators:
    • Power LED (ON when powered).
    • D0 LED (Lights up when magnetic field exceeds the threshold).
  3. Adjust Potentiometer: Rotate until the desired sensitivity is achieved.

Practical Applications

  • Magnetic Door Sensors
  • Speed Sensors (rotating magnets)
  • Contactless Position Sensing
  • Current Sensing (in circuits with high magnetic interference)

Parts Required

You can connect to the module using dupont style jumper wire.

Name Links
Raspberry Pi Pico
37 in one sensor kit
Connecting cables



Pico Sensor
3 V +V

Code Examples

from machine import Pin, ADC
from time import sleep

# Initialization of pins
adc = ADC(0)
digital = Pin(28,Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

print("KY-024 Sensor")

# Endless loop for reading out the ADC
while True:
    raw_value = adc.read_u16()
    # Conversion from analog value to voltage
    Volt = round(raw_value* 3.3 / 65536, 2)
    digital_value = digital.value()

    # Serial output of the analog value and the calculated voltage
    print("Analog voltage value: " + str(Volt) + " V\t Threshold value: ", end="")

    # Query whether the digital value has changed with serial output
    if digital_value == 1:
        print("not reached")


REPL Output



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