Raspberry Pi Pico st7735s 1.8 inch lcd micropython example

In this article we look at another CD option for your Raspberry Pi Pico,its a 1.8 inch LCd with dimensions of 128 x 160 and is based on the ST7735 IC.

There are many variants of the LCD that use this driver ic. This is the one that I purchased


SIZ : E0.96inch
Display Mode : Normally black IPS
Display Format : Graphic 80RGB*160 Dot-matrix
Input Data : SPI interface
Drive : ICST7735S
Dimensional outline 24(W)*30 (H)*2.8+/-0.1(T)mm
Resolution 80 RGB*160 Dots
LCD Active area 10.8 (W)*21.7 (H)
Dot pitch0.135(H) x 0.1356(V) mm
Operating Temperature-20~70°C

Pin Descriptions

PIN No Symbol Description
1 GND Ground
2 VCC Power 3.3V
5 RESLCM Reset pin – This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is low, initialization of the chip is
executed. Keep this pin pull high during normal operation.
6 DC Data/Command Control
7 CS Chip Select
8 BLK Backlight control pin



This is the connection I used

LCD Pico Description
VCC VSYS Power Input
DIN GP11 MOSI pin of SPI, slave device data input
CLK GP10 SCK pin of SPI, clock pin
CS GP9 Chip selection of SPI, low active
DC GP8 Data/Command control pin (High for data; Low for command)
RST GP12 Reset pin, low active
BL GP13 Backlight control

The only fritzing part I could find was a for a smaller LCD but its exactly the same pinout


Name Link
Pico Raspberry Pi Pico Development Board
ST7735 lCD

Aliexpress link

Connecting cables Aliexpress product link

Lysee 3D Printer Parts & Accessories – AHT20 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module DHT11 Upgrade I2C XD Humidity Sensor Probe – (Color: Green)

Ebay link


Code example

I used thonny for development

You need the following 2 libraries to be uploaded to your Pico, we have combined them in one file – ST7735

This is a test example which demonstrates a lot of the functionality

from ST7735 import TFT
from sysfont import sysfont
from machine import SPI,Pin
import time
import math

BL = 13
DC = 8
RST = 12
MOSI = 11
SCK = 10
CS = 9

spi = SPI(1, baudrate=20000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(10), mosi=Pin(11), miso=None)

def testlines(color):
    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 6):
        tft.line((0,0),(x, tft.size()[1] - 1), color)
    for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 6):
        tft.line((0,0),(tft.size()[0] - 1, y), color)

    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 6):
        tft.line((tft.size()[0] - 1, 0), (x, tft.size()[1] - 1), color)
    for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 6):
        tft.line((tft.size()[0] - 1, 0), (0, y), color)

    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 6):
        tft.line((0, tft.size()[1] - 1), (x, 0), color)
    for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 6):
        tft.line((0, tft.size()[1] - 1), (tft.size()[0] - 1,y), color)

    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 6):
        tft.line((tft.size()[0] - 1, tft.size()[1] - 1), (x, 0), color)
    for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 6):
        tft.line((tft.size()[0] - 1, tft.size()[1] - 1), (0, y), color)

def testfastlines(color1, color2):
    for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 5):
        tft.hline((0,y), tft.size()[0], color1)
    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 5):
        tft.vline((x,0), tft.size()[1], color2)

def testdrawrects(color):
    for x in range(0,tft.size()[0],6):
        tft.rect((tft.size()[0]//2 - x//2, tft.size()[1]//2 - x/2), (x, x), color)

def testfillrects(color1, color2):
    for x in range(tft.size()[0],0,-6):
        tft.fillrect((tft.size()[0]//2 - x//2, tft.size()[1]//2 - x/2), (x, x), color1)
        tft.rect((tft.size()[0]//2 - x//2, tft.size()[1]//2 - x/2), (x, x), color2)

def testfillcircles(radius, color):
    for x in range(radius, tft.size()[0], radius * 2):
        for y in range(radius, tft.size()[1], radius * 2):
            tft.fillcircle((x, y), radius, color)

def testdrawcircles(radius, color):
    for x in range(0, tft.size()[0] + radius, radius * 2):
        for y in range(0, tft.size()[1] + radius, radius * 2):
            tft.circle((x, y), radius, color)

def testtriangles():
    color = 0xF800
    w = tft.size()[0] // 2
    x = tft.size()[1] - 1
    y = 0
    z = tft.size()[0]
    for t in range(0, 15):
        tft.line((w, y), (y, x), color)
        tft.line((y, x), (z, x), color)
        tft.line((z, x), (w, y), color)
        x -= 4
        y += 4
        z -= 4
        color += 100

def testroundrects():
    color = 100
    for t in range(5):
        x = 0
        y = 0
        w = tft.size()[0] - 2
        h = tft.size()[1] - 2
        for i in range(17):
            tft.rect((x, y), (w, h), color)
            x += 2
            y += 3
            w -= 4
            h -= 6
            color += 1100
        color += 100

def tftprinttest():
    v = 30
    tft.text((0, v), "Hello World!", TFT.RED, sysfont, 1, nowrap=True)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), "Hello World!", TFT.YELLOW, sysfont, 2, nowrap=True)
    v += sysfont["Height"] * 2
    tft.text((0, v), "Hello World!", TFT.GREEN, sysfont, 3, nowrap=True)
    v += sysfont["Height"] * 3
    tft.text((0, v), str(1234.567), TFT.BLUE, sysfont, 4, nowrap=True)
    v = 0
    tft.text((0, v), "Hello World!", TFT.RED, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), str(math.pi), TFT.GREEN, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), " Want pi?", TFT.GREEN, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"] * 2
    tft.text((0, v), hex(8675309), TFT.GREEN, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), " Print HEX!", TFT.GREEN, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"] * 2
    tft.text((0, v), "Sketch has been", TFT.WHITE, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), "running for: ", TFT.WHITE, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), str(time.ticks_ms() / 1000), TFT.PURPLE, sysfont)
    v += sysfont["Height"]
    tft.text((0, v), " seconds.", TFT.WHITE, sysfont)

def test_main():
    tft.text((0, 0), "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur adipiscing ante sed nibh tincidunt feugiat. Maecenas enim massa, fringilla sed malesuada et, malesuada sit amet turpis. Sed porttitor neque ut ante pretium vitae malesuada nunc bibendum. Nullam aliquet ultrices massa eu hendrerit. Ut sed nisi lorem. In vestibulum purus a tortor imperdiet posuere. ", TFT.WHITE, sysfont, 1)



    testfastlines(TFT.RED, TFT.BLUE)


    testfillrects(TFT.YELLOW, TFT.PURPLE)

    testfillcircles(10, TFT.BLUE)
    testdrawcircles(10, TFT.WHITE)








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